
  • Bachelor of Development Economics, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
  • Master of Science in Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Doktor Business, University of Science Malaysia

Academic Area:

  • Knowledge Management

Kelompok keahlian:
Digital Business and Entrepreneurship

Anita was born in Surabaya, December 10, 1977. He has been active as a lecturer at Telkom University’s Business Administration Study Program since September 2011 and has a bachelor’s degree in Development Economics from Parahyangan Catholic University and holds a master’s degree from the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB. During her time with Business Administration, Anita has experience teaching Business Mathematics, Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics and Research Methodology. In terms of research, he has a concentration in Knowledge Management. For these research topics, he has had several studies that have successfully entered into international journals, including “Factor Analysis on Knowledge Sharing at Telkom Economic and Business (TEBS) Telkom University Bandung” and “A Model Linking the Knowledge Management (KM) Enabler, KM Capability and Operational Performance in Indonesian Automobile Industry”. In addition, Anita was awarded the best paper with the title “The Effect of Affiliation, Level of Trust and Innovation to Knowledge Sharing in Economic and Business Faculty, Telkom University” in 2014.