  • Sarjana Sains, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
  • Magister Manajemen, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
Area Akademik:
  • Operasi
Kelompok keahlian:
Business Innovation and Development

Fitriani Nur Utami was born in Bandung, April 24, 1990. He started his career at Telkom University as a Staff of Business Administration Study Program in November 2015. He also had the opportunity to cross careers from staff to become a Permanent Lecturer in the Telkom University Business Administration Study Program since October 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree from Padjadjaran University Bandung and holds a Master of Management degree from the same campus. During his time as a permanent lecturer in the Business Administration Study Program, he has taught courses in Business Statistics, Decision Theory and Business Operations Research. In terms of research, he has a concentration in operations management.