Adbis Telkom University held Design Thinking Training for Operational Personnel for Children with Special Needs in Bandung
Bandung, 8 June 2024 – In this increasingly challenging era, it is important for an organization to continue to innovate in order to remain efficient, relevant and effective. Our Dream Indonesia, an organization or educational institution in Bandung that focuses on the growth and development therapy center for children and adolescents with special needs. In order to support the development of educational and therapeutic services for children with special needs, lecturers of the telkom university business administration study program organized community service activities in the form of Design Thinking training for operational personnel, namely teaching staff and support staff for children with special needs of Our Dream Indonesia Bandung. This activity aims to equip participants with innovative skills to implement more effective and creative programs in order to increase the interest in learning of these students.

The one-day training was attended by around 22 participants who were divided into 4 groups who were also operational staff, namely teaching staff and support staff who deal with children with special needs. The training began with the provision of material by resource persons on the basic principles of Design Thinking. With this approach, it is hoped that operational personnel can better understand the specific needs of the children they serve and be able to develop appropriate solutions.

The first stage of the training was opportunity identification, where each group was asked to identify some problems by interviewing people chosen as resource persons to share their experiences. Then proceed to the design process where participants can review the results of the interview and also look for various alternative solutions by brainstorming with the group team. The next stage is prototyping, where each group discusses, discusses ideas and makes one prototipe, by visualizing it in the form of pictures, diagrams, graphs or even 3D using plasticine. Then the results of the prototype are presented to other group teams in order to get better feedback. Next, participants from each group work together to find the best solution from each feedback received from the previous stage. In this process, expert assistance in guiding ideas is needed to sharpen the results obtained. The expert in question is the resource person of this training. Then this stage ends with the presentation of problem solutions from each group.