Great news for the Adbis community! A team of two students majoring in Business Administration won first place in the International Business Case Competition held in collaboration between FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM together with PT Pupuk Kaltim (PKT). The final event took place on Sunday, November 24, 2024 at TMII Jakarta.
This year the competition was not only attended by students from Indonesia, but also by countries such as the UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan Thailand, the Philippines, Korea and others. Carrying the theme “Indonesia Food Sustainability”, there were 244 teams from various well-known universities who provided their innovations in dealing with the problem. Not only based on participants from renowned universities, experts in various fields who occupied the judges’ bench also signaled how prestigious this competition was.
The PKT-GAMA BCC competition has been running since 2022, the third time it has been organized on an international scale. The organizers believe the competition is a good platform to provide solutions to real challenges related to food sustainability in Indonesia.
It is a matter of pride that the team that won first place came from Telkom University. The team named “Nyubi Nyoba” consists of Kadek Arya Divanandya and Abbas from Business Administration 2021 and Jocelin Tay from Industrial Engineering.
Nyubi Nyoba memberikan solusi mereka pada PT. PKT untuk mengatasi masalah keberlanjutan pangan dengan membagi empat masalah penting dalam masalah pangan dan dirangkum menjadi LIFE solution. Inovasi yang diberikan untuk menjadi solusi hadir dalam bentuk aplikasi dengan nama LIFE, juga solusi-solusi lainnya yang membantu para petani untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan biofertilizer dan memahami edukasi mengenai wirausaha.
This solution is certainly an innovation that Indonesia needs in order to meet food needs and prioritize the welfare of farmers. The achievements achieved are very proud and inspire all Adbis Citizens, hopefully this success can be maintained.