Telkom University Collaborates with Multi Media University Malaysia in Community Service Activities in Nagrog Village, Cipatujah District, Tasikmalaya Regency
Nagrog Village, Cipatujah District, Tasikmalaya Regency has natural resources that have the potential to be developed into a tourist village. In addition, Nagrog Village has also received a decree as a pilot tourism village since November 2022. In addition to the legal basis as a tourist village that has been owned, Nagrog Village has several tourist destinations that are currently managed by the village through youth organizations. Another potential that has the opportunity to be developed in the development of a tourism village is the cultural wisdom possessed by Nagrog Village. The Village Government and the village community realize that Nagrog Village has the potential to be developed into a tourist village. The development of Nagrog Village as a tourist village still faces several challenges.

Referring to West Java Provincial Regulation Number 8 of 2021, there are eight indicators of tourism program development, including increasing international standard tourism supporting infrastructure, developing leading tourist destinations, developing tourist villages based on local and thematic potential, developing tourism promotion with branding strategies, and increasing tourism promotion and creative economy. As a university with the vision of entrepreneurial and research university, Telkom University’s contribution through community service activities of the Faculty of Communication and Business and the Faculty of Economics and Business, in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Communication (FAC) Multimedia Multimedia University Malaysia is expected to have a positive and synergistic impact on the realization of Nagrog Village as an international standard tourist village. Some aspects that need to be built and/or strengthened include mapping tourism potential and supporting factors, regulatory aspects, developing tourism village accounting and financial systems, designing tourism village governance, preparing business plans, preparing global marketing and promotion plans, and digitizing tourism villages.

The community service activities that took place from September 2023 to June 2024 were carried out by two teams from Telkom University, S-1 Business Administration Study Program and S-1 Leisure Management Study Program in collaboration with the FAC MMU). In this community service collaboration, the two teams from Telkom University conducted mapping and analysis of the potential for tourism village development, identification of problems and solutions, and environmental analysis, formulating village tourism business governance, and policy recommendations to stakeholders. While MMU provides tutors as assistants during the training, where Telkom University together with the team from MMU will carry out content development activities and training to the participants. Meanwhile, Nagrog Village as a place for implementing activities, namely around Nagrog Village, Cipatujah District, Tasikmalaya Regency, and other related areas that can be reached institutionally, facilitating community and / or organic involvement in the authority area of the Nagrog Village Head who has an interest in the development of tourism villages, and providing and accessing data on the location and potential of natural resources, SDE, and culture / local wisdom.
In charge of the activity is Dr. Akhmad Greece, S.E., M.T. by involving a team consisting of the Business Administration Program, Leasure Management, and from FAC MMU.
The purpose of this community service activity in general is to build partnership synergy as a manifestation of the vision and mission of Telkom University. Specifically, the purpose of this community service is to map tourism potential and supporting factors, regulatory aspects, develop tourism village accounting and financial systems, design tourism village governance, prepare business plans, prepare global marketing and promotion plans, and digitize tourism villages.