Services for student and their activities are describe in the table below:

Guidance and Counseling

  • Guardianship by guardian lecturers aims to serve students related to the academic process.
  • The Development & Counseling Center (DCC) program, intended for student services related to non-academic and personal issues,
  • Internship Program,
  • Thesis Supervision Program
  • Interests and Talents Test

Interests and Talents (Extracurricular)

Spirituality Area:

  • UKM Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) Al-Fath
  • UKM Keluarga Mahasiswa Hindu (KMH)
  • UKM Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik (KMK) Santo Agustinus
  • UKM Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen (PMK)

Arts and Culture Area:

  • UKM Rumah Gadang Minang,
  • UKM Bengkel Seni Embun
  • UKM Samalowa Lombok Sumbawa
  • UKM Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Sulawesi (KBMS)
  • UKM Betawi
  • UKM Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Asal Sumatera Bagian Selatan (IKMASS)
  • UKM Keluarga Besar Sumatera Utara
  • UKM Kesenian Bali Widyacana Murti
  • UKM Ikatan Keluarga Anak Riau (IKRAR)
  • UKM Kalimantan
  • UKM Sariksa Wiwaha Sunda (SAWANDA)
  • UKM Eka Sanvadita Orchestra (ESO)
  • UKM Paduan Suara Mahasiswa
  • UKM Unit Kebidayaan Mahasiswa Aceh (UKMA)
  • UKM Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI PT)
  • UKM Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Lampung (PERMALA)

Sports Area:

  • UKM Taekwondo
  • UKM Capoeira Brasil
  • UKM Perguruan Pencak Silat Bela Diri Tangan Kosong (PPS Batako) Merpati Putih
  • UKM Badminton
  • UKM Softball-Baseball
  • UKM Unit Kegiatan Bola Basket (UKBB)
  • UKM Nipponbunka-Bu
  • UKM Djawa Tjap Parabola

Reasoning Area:

  • UKM Koperasi Mahasiswa (KOPMA)
  • UKM Student English Society (SES)
  • UKM Student Activities for Research and Competition Handling (SEARCH)


  • Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (DPM) Universitas Telkom
  • Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)
  • UKM Bidang Sosial Korps Protokoler Mahasiswa (KPM)

Soft Skills Coaching

Programs intended to build students’ soft skills/interpersonal skills are as follows:

1. Entrepreneurship is implemented through training, internship and courses,

2. Leadership,

3. English, Mandarin, computer, ESQ, public speaking and self-improvement,

4. General Lecturer from practitioner,

5. Organizational activities through student organizations that have been approved by the institution,

6. Encourage students to participate actively in every match/competition held. Both by internal and external institutions,

7. Involve students for programs established by institutions and programs proposed by students independently (institution as facilitator).

8. Actively involve students in the activities of seminars (either as committee or as a participant)

9. Engaging students actively in caring about community service activities (including social services and disaster relief)


The scholarships granted to Bachelor of Business Administration students sourced from both internal and external funding.

Scholarships from internal funds are as follows:

  • Student Achievement Scholarship for Telkom University Students
  • Education and Final Task Aid
  • JPPA-U Scholarship (The Academic Potential Search Path) Telkom University
  • BEST 3 Scholarship, Telkom University
  • Telkom Foundation Scholarship
  • Scholarships for YPT Employee Children
  • Sport Achievement Scholarship
  • Vocational High School Partnerships Scholarship

Scholarships from external sources include:

  • BIDIKMISI Scholarship
  • West Java Provincial Government Aid Scholarship
  • Bandung Mayor Aid Scholarship (BAWAKU)
  • BFI Finance Scholarship


1. Telkom University students receive health care insurance through the opening of health clinics during working hours within the campus of Telkom University,

2. All Telkom University students receive personal accident insurance from PT. Binagriya Insurance Upakarya.

In the last 5 years, the average Grade Point Average (GPA) of Business Administration Study Program students is 3.31. To reach the international level, the Study Program pioneered the international class which was held starting in 2015 with the number of students as many as 27 students.

In addition, there are also Student Exchange programs with 7 foreign students from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Kumoh National Institute of Tecnology Korea (KIT) and Naresuan University Thailand. In the following year, 7 students of Business Administration study program follow the Student Exchange program to Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Achievements / reputation of students during the last 3 years are 7 international level, 11 national level, 7 at regional level and 2 local level, some of them are:

  • 2nd Winner in National Competition of New Business Venture Plan CREATIFA 2016
  • Ranked 9th in the World Cheerleading Championship 2016
  • 2nd Winner in Smart Ideas Competition, Category Public Safety held by Telkom University Telecommunication Engineering 2016
  • Selected as Favorite Mojang (Mameumeut) in the Selection Mojang Jajaka (MOKA) Garut Regency in 2016
  • 2nd Winner in Pencak Silat Championship as Bandung Raya 2016