Vision of Business Administration Study Program:
“To become a Study Program that plays an active role in the development of research, business management and entrepreneurship/based on information technology in 2023”
Mission of Business Administration Study Program:
- Organizing and developing international standard education in the business sector transparently and responsibly.
- Develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of information technology-based business that refers to the values of Harmony, Excellent, Integrity
- Carry out research activities to strengthen and enrich the scientific fields of business and entrepreneurship.
- Carry out community service activities such as consultation, training, and guidance to solve business and entrepreneurial problems.
Objective of Business Administration Study Program:
Produce Bachelor of Business Administration who:
- Have faith in God Almighty, have integrity, able to work independently and oriented to the values of Harmony, Excellent, Integrity;
- Qualified, independent and have high individual competitiveness;
- Able to create new ideas and provide inspiration in facing business competition;
- Responsible and able to contribute in improving people’s standard of living;
- Produce quality scientific works in the field of Business Administration to improve people’s quality of life
Target of Business Administration Study Program:
- In 2013 – 2016 was able to produce graduates who are qualified, independent and have high individual competitiveness,
- In 2016 – 2018 in addition to being able to produce quality graduates, independent and having high individual competitiveness, they are also able to produce quality scientific works,
- The year 2018-2020 produces professional graduates who have the ability to adapt (anticipate change), agents of change and become inspirations in the business world.
- In 2021 and beyond, producing professional and quality graduates who are able to combine business, entrepreneurship and technology skills who are able to make a real contribution to Indonesia both nationally and internationally.