UMAR BAKI SATRIA UTAMA Comparative Analysis Of Attributes Product Cigarette Sampoerna A Mild With Dunhill Fine Cut Mild (Survey On Visitors Mall Paris Van Java Bandung) Tri Indra W., S.Sos., MSi
AHMAD GALIH SAPUTRA The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction at DR.BARBER Syahputra, Ph.D.
PATRIOT ALAM BAYU AKBARI The Effect of Brand Awareness of Nike Shoes on Purchase Decision (Case Study on Citizen of Bandung) Syahputra, Ph.D.
DEVY WIDYAWATI Analysis Financial Literacy Among Bachelor Students Of Adbis 2013-2015 Telkom University Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
MOHAMAD ARIF PRIYADI The effect of service quality to customer satisfaction on Air Asia Airline Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
RIFARDIEU KARTASASMITA The Influence of The Marketing Mix to The Loyalty of Oppo Smartphone Users Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
THOMAS LOEKMONO HADI Influence Of Motivation Of Employees Work Performance At Rumah Makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo (ABWS) Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RD. ALLYA SURYA PURNAMASARI Influence of Transformational Leardership Style on Employees Performance (Case Study in PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Husein Sastranegara Bandung) Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
WAHYU RUMBIANINGRUM The Impact Of Financial Literacy On Financial Management Of MSMEs (Study on MSMEs member of KSU Misykat DPU DT in Bandung Year 2017) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
KEIZA PERDANI MANDIRA CLARA PRADNA Analysis Style Leadership Director And Their Influence On Performance Nurse Room Sawitri Cakra Husada Hospital Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
FARIZAL ARIF The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable at Dunkin’ Donuts Indonesia Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
NABILA INASTIA The Effect of Receivable Turnover and Inventory Turnover on Profitability of PT. X Sukabumi Period 2016-2017 Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
INGGA SANKA SADEWI The Effect of Training on Employee Performance in Case Studies of Roti Gempol and Kopi Anjis Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
MUHAMMAD IRFAN PRATAMA The Impact of Financial Literacy on Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Performance (Case Study in MSMEs Business Partners of Islamic Microfinance) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
DINI RIZKA The Influence Of Emotional Attachment To Word Of Mouth On The Customer J.CO Donuts and Coffee Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
SARAH ALIVIA MORISKA Business Fashion Ready to Wear for Moslem Woman Using Business Model Canvas Research Towards Moris.ka Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
TUBAGUS SAERAYA The Influence of Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT PLN (Persero) Area Pelayanan Jaringan Bandung Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
SALMAA PANGESTUPUTRI PRATIWI The Influence of Competence and Work Discipline on Employee Performance (Study on Department of Labor And Transmigration West Java Province) Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MUTHYA RACHMAH PRATAMA The Effect of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Employee’s Performance ( Studies at Telemarketing Department of PT. Bank Panin Tbk Jakarta) Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
INDRYANA DEWI The Influence of Organizational Culture towards to Employee Career Development (Study in PT. Astra International Tbk – Isuzu Sales Operation Bandung) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
BABY STEPHANI KASENDA The Impact Of Financial Literacy On Performance Of MSMEs (Study On MSME Members Of PPKM In The Region Of Rancaekek And Cileunyi) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
RAHMI AULIA Effect Of Emotional Intelligence On Decision Making Of Employees Family Planning Discussion (Study at Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk, Keluarga Berencana, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (DPPKBPPPA) Kab. Garut) Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
BIDARA BULAN GUNARI The Influence Of Servicescape and Promotion On Repurchase Intention Siete Cafe Bandung Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
FARAH DILA ELSA The Influence of Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance (Study at PT Asuransi Jiwa Bumiputera Branch at Pariaman) Ade Irma Susanty,.Ph.D.
DESY ANA RIFANNISA The Impact Of Organizational Culture On Employees Performance In Department Major Assembly Airbus Helicopters MK II PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Bandung Dr. Syarifuddin,IR.,MM
AISYAH GEOVANI SURYANINGRUM Factor Analysis Employee Engagement Nursing And Medical Support Staff In Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
SONYA OKTARA SABILLA The Impact of Financial Literacy on Business Growth of MSMEs (Study on MSME Members of PPKM in the Region of Rancaekek and Cileunyi) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
REI RESTU ASY’ARI Analysis of organizational culture types and the effect on employee performance: Study at PT Kimia Farma Apotek Unit Bisnis Bandung Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
YUDHA WINTER PRATAMA The Impact of Financial Literacy on Funding Access of MSMEs (Study on MSME Members of PPKM in the Region of Rancaekek and Cileunyi) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
SYAIFULLAH ABDURRACHMAN The Impact Of Actual Use And User Satisfaction On Individual Impact Of Monicca Robo Advisor Application Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
AGNES TRI AGATA Effect Of Training On Employee Work Achievement At PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Bandung) Unit Commercial Passenger Marketing Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
ELIANA PURNAMA SARI The Influence of Phone Courtesy Training on Employee Performance Call Center 108 Telkom at PT. Infomedia Nusantara Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MOH. RIZAL ARFANI The Effect of Work Stress and Workload on Employee Performance in PT Sucofindo Bandung Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
ANNISA NUR RIZKY SUKANTO The Effect Of Job Satisfaction On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Of Employees (Study Case in PT PLN (Persero) APJ Bandung) Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
NABILA MAISARAH Factors Analysis Basic Human Values on Employees PT. Asuransi Jiwa Bumiputera Bandung Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
WIDYA SENTANU The Influence of Brand Image and Brand Trust on Customer Loyalty of Adidas at Paris Van Java Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIZQI KHAIRUNNISA The influence of implementation Good Corporate Governance on employees perfomance at PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk Tanjung Enim Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
RIEZKA SEKARTAJI NABIELA Analysis Of The Factors That Influences Traveller to Choose Traveloka as Travelling Support Application Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
MUSLIKHAH KUSUMA The Effect of Reward and Punishment to Work Performance Entra Indonesia Startup Company Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
FILDZAH QISTHINA ARIFAH Visual Merchandising Impact On Impulse Buying (On Consumers Miniso Of Bandung City) Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
FIRDHA FAIZAH The Effect of Marketing Mix to the Purchasing Decision Process on Infinito Culinary Bandung Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
FEBBY RAMA FITRI The Influence of Compensation To Employee Work Productivity PT Primajasa Perdanarayautama Branch Soekarno-Hatta Bandung Dr. Syarifuddin,IR.,MM
VIVI PUTERI ASOKAWATI The Effect of Competence and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of Youth and Sports Service of West Java Province Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MAGHFIRA CAHYU SAWINDU The Influence Of Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction At Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Riau Bandung Branch Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIANTI SEKAR ARUM NOVITANINGTYAS Implementation Analysis Of Occupational Safety And Health Management Systems to Employee (Study at PT Nusa Ampera Indah Cilacap) Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
ALFI RADHIANA The Influence Of Leadership Style Towards Employees Work Behavior of Generation X And Generation Y (Study in PT. Astra International Tbk – Isuzu Sales Operation branch of Bandung) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
FITRIANA TRI LESTARI The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Motivation in PT Pos Indonesia Solo Branch Dr. Syarifuddin,IR.,MM
FRANCESCO SATRIA YUDHISTIRA HURING The Influence of Stress Work And Work Environment on Employee Performance (Study on PT. 24 Jam Online Employee) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
EKA MEYLINDA PUTRI Effect Of Work Stress on Employees Performance PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika Bandung (Survey On Employees Division Inbound Call Center Telkomsel) Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIZKI AMELIA SARI SIREGAR the effect of Organizational Culture On Employees Empowerment (Studi Case PT Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Bandung) Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
CLARISSA MAHARANI PUTRI The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment to Turnover Intention on Telkomsel OutBound Call Center PT. Infomedia Solution Humanika Employees Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
LUH PUTU DENNY PURNAMA PUTRI Main Factors of Impulsive Buying in Retail Store (Case Study in Alfamart Sukabirus Bandung) Syahputra, Ph.D.
LAILA TURRAHMI Influence of Motivation of Employees Work Performance At Mie Aceh Cirasa Bengkalis Provinsi Riau Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
FUROIDATUL LAILI Effect Of Training To Employee Performance PT PLN (Persero) Pusat Pemeliharaan Ketenagalistrikan Unit Workshop dan Pemeliharaan IV Bandung Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
NURUL AINI The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance Motivation (Case Study in PT Astra Internasional,Tbk-Isuzu Sales Operation Bandung) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
ATIQAH TIARA ANUGRA The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement in PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia Branch Bandung Retail Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
HUMAIRA QUR’ANI The Influence of Brand Trust and Customer Satisfaction Go Mobile Product on Consumer Loyalty at PT BANK CIMB Niaga TBK Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
RUCITA PINASTI LUGINA The Influence Of Non Financial Compensation On Employees Motivation In PT PLN (Persero) Bandung Area Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
AJENG UTAMI The Influence Of Organizational Culture And Leadership On Innovation (Study at PT.Pacific Eastern Coconut Utama Pangandaran) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
CHAROLINA AYU SAPUTRI Analysis of Factors Affecting Work Discipline on Employee’s at PT Pos Indonesia Branch Solo Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
ROSDIANAH SULTAN Analysis of Business Model Canvas on Kadatuan Koffie Bandung Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST.,MM
GHINA DHIA SAFITRI The Influence of Perceived Risk and Online-to-Offline (O2O) System to Consumer Trust Berrybenka Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
THERESSA NIAULINA The Influence of Brand Ambassador on Brand Image Bandung Makuta Cake (Study of Bandung Makuta Cake Road Van Deventer No.2 Bandung) Tri Indra W., S.Sos., MSi
DITA PURI UTAMI the effect of the ethical leaderships toward organizational culture at Himpunan Mahasiswa (Student Organization) of Business Administration on Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
LISMA FAUZIAH The Influence Of E-Service Quality Using Scanmic Model On Customer Satisfaction In Go-Jek Application At Bandung Syahputra, Ph.D.
M. IKHWAN MUBARAQ Analysis of Financial Literacy Factors of Well Educated Women in Makassar City Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, S.E., M.M.
CUT DYTA TRIVIANA Influence Physical Work Environment and Non-Physical In The Employee Performance Of PT.Astra International Tbk.-Isuzu Sales Operation Branch Bandung Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
INDRIAWANTY KUSUMAH The Effect of Physical Work Environtment on Human Resources Employee Performance at Al-Islam Hospital Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
HIJRIYANI YUNDIRAISTY ANINDI The Effect Of Empowerment On Quality Of Worklife Of Employees In Office Of PT. PLN Maintenance And Electrical Center (PUSHARLIS) Bandung Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
YURI RENATA RISKA The Effect Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance PT Dapensi Dwikarya Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
NADIA RAHMAWATI The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Witel Pekalongan Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
HENRIKA ARDA EKARISTI Factor Analysis Of Occupational Health and Safety Of Employee Based On Practical Codes Safety In The Use Of Chemicals At Work From International Labour Organization (Study At PT. Indo Acidatama Tbk Kebakkramat, Karanganyar, Surakarta) Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
VIONA ANJELIA The Influence Of Motivation On Employee Performance With Leadership Style As Moderator Variable At Head Office Of Nagari Bank In West Sumatera Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
TITIN RINI KARTINI Factors Analysis of Women Entrepreneur: Study from Member of Asosiasi Pemasar Produk UKM (APPU) of West Java Domiciled in Bandung Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
DAHLIA A. BANJARNAHOR The Influence of Service Quality, Price and Promotion on Purchasing Decision Process of Blue Bird Taxi Service in Bandung city Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
LITA APRILLIA PUTRI Analysis of Perceived Quality and Consumer Knowledge toward Consumer Attitude of Halal Cosmetic Products, Religion as Moderator Variable (Case Study on Consumer of Wardah Cosmetics in Bandung) Rd. Nurafni Rubiyanti, SMB., MBA.
ANISA MIFTAHUL JANNAH The Influence of Perception of Shari’ah Banking in Indonesia Towards Customer Switching Intention with Customer Satisfaction as Mediator Arry Widodo, Ph.D
I Gusti Agung Ayu Dessy Kristiana The Influence of Green Product, Green Price, Green Place, and Green Promotion Toward PostPurchase Behavior Of Bottle Water Consumers At Kabupaten Bandung 2017 Syahputra, Ph.D.
NOVIA RULI KURNIAWATI The Influence of Green Perceived Value and Green Perceived Quality to Increase Green Satisfaction That Impact on Repurchase Intention (At Consumer of Rumah Makan Kehidupan Tidak Pernah Berakhir Bandung) Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
AFIF KHOIRUL HIDAYAT The Analysis Business Of Model Canvas In The Halal Tourism Perspective (Case Study On Narapati Syariah Boutique Hotel, Bandung) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
CRUSYTA VALENCIA HURSEPUNY The Influence Of Hedonic Shopping Motivation And Shopping Lifestyle On Impulse Buying at Consumers Shopee_ID Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
ADLAN AKBAR BASYIRUDDIN The Effect of Work Stress on Employees Performance Study in Infomedia Buah Batu Call Center Division Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
CAKRA DWANTARA HARWAHYUDI The Effect Of Motivation On Employee Performance In Research And Development Unit Of PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
YOGHA PUTRA KUSUMA The Effect Of Employee Safety On Performance (Study In The Delivery Service Section Of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung City 2015) Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
PUTRI WULANDARI The Influence Of Green Marketing Mix On The Purchase Decision In Choosing Electronic Products Arry Widodo, Ph.D
HILMAN THOMY ALBARRU Relationship Between Individual Characteristic with Behavior of Entrepreneurs of Internet Cafes in Four Sub-districts in the Surrounding Area of Telkom University Campus Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST.,MM
DHEA NASHAHTA Relationship Quality On The Preferences Customer Use The Service Go-Ride Go-Jek Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
ANDI MUH. ANUGRAH BATARA DEWA The Effect of Product Quality and Promotion of Purchasing Decision of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Product (Case Study in Makassar City in 2017) Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
RT. MEGA GENIA ROCHMANIAR The Effect Of Employee’s Religious Values To Support Performance Improvement (Study Towards Instansi Badan Kepegawaian Daerah’s Staff Provinsi Banten) Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
NURUL AFNI The Effect Of Organization Culture on Organization Commitment of Employee PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Witel Bandung Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
RINRIN KARINA RAKHMAWATI The Effects of Store Atmosphere, Product Assortment and Price on Purchase Intention in Transmart Carrefour Buah Batu Bandung Arlin Ferlina, SE., MM
ADINDA MUTIARA SARI The Influences Learning and Training Program of Employee Performance in Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
TRI DESTIANI CAHYANINGRUM The Effect of Training on Employee’s Competence (Study at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Witel Office Bandung) Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
OMNIE PRIMIANA PRAMESTI The Effect of Application Knowledge Management Enablers To Employee Performance In The Central Processing Post PT Pos Indonesia Bandung Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
ATIKA ANSARY CHAIRUNNISA MURSALIN The Effect of Satisfaction toward Advocacy on Local Brands with Loyalty as Mediator (Study on The Executive) Citra Kusuma Dewi, Ph.D.
ANDHYKA POULANA KARIM The Influence Of Organisation Culture To Efectiveness Of The Organisation Islamic Association Of University Student Bandung Branch Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
CRISDA WIBAWA RUSMAYANTI The influence of product knowledge through consumer attitudes as an intervening variable on the purchase intention Bright Gas product. Retno Setyorini, S.T., M.M.
ANNISA PUTRI SOETRISNO The Effect of Competence on Employee Performance (Study at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Witel Bandung) Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
PETRUS JAYABAYA BUKIT Influence Of Digital Marketing Mix’s Practice to Train User’s Purchase Intention through Mobile Application KAI ACCESS Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
ICHSANI MUTIARA The Effect of Product Knowledge and Halal Product on Purchase Decision in Etude House Bandung Syahputra, Ph.D.
ASTRI NURROHMAH FAUZIYYAH The Effect Of Shopping LIfestyle and Fashion Involvement On Impulse Buying Behavior (Study Based on Bandung Society) Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
AGESTINA MEDHASARI The Effect Of Transaksional Leadership Style and Organizational Culture On The Work Productivity Of Employee In Outbond Call PT.Infomedia Solusi Humanika Bandung Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
PUSPA CHAIRUNNISA CHESANTI The Effect of E-service Quality on Customer satisfaction of PLN Mobile Application User Retno Setyorini, S.T., M.M.
FLAVIA ISABEL MARTINS FERREIRA The Influence Of Organizational Culture On Employee Performance in Restaurant Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Bandung Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
PUTI KHAIRIN FOURAGUSTHA Factor Analysis Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) On Satria Muda Sucore Agency Employee Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
NORI NURLIYYAH The Effect of Compensation on Employee Productivity PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika Bandung (Case Study on Outbound Call Center Service Employees) Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
ZALMAH NUR HIDAYATI The Effect Of E-Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction Of Kantor Pos.Apk User (The Case Of Kantor Pos.Apk User) Retno Setyorini, S.T., M.M.
YOZI SUHENDRA The Effect Of Transformational And Transactional Leadership Style Toward Employee Performance (Study On The Main Office Of PT PLN Electricity Maintenance Center) Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
AYU GUSNIDA SARI SIREGAR The Impact Of Social Media Advertisement to Consumer Buying Decision ( Study Case Nasi Goreng Mafia at Buah Batu Bandung City) Arry Widodo, Ph.D
SRI MULYATI The Effect Of Compensation On Employee Performance In PT Nur Rima Al-Waali (NRA) Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
MARTA E. SIBURIAN The Influence Of Marketing Mix On Buying Decision Of Bandung Makuta Cake Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
NISVIA RIZKYANI ADRIANO The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance at Airbus Helicopters Component Program Department PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
RIMA MAHMUDA The Role Of Self-Brand Connection As A Mediator Of Brand Attitude And Brand Advocacy In Consumer (Case Study On Wardah Users) Rd. Nurafni Rubiyanti, SMB., MBA.
MARTIN SENJAYA PUTRA UTAMA Analysis of Business Opportunities on Construction Business Retail Using Value Proposition Design Canvas (Study on Retail Sumber Rizqie Abadi) Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
SALMA AINUN SAVITRI The Effect Of Brand Image To Consumer Purchase Decision Process In Bandung Makuta At Van Deventer Street Of Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIFQI SULTHAN FAHREZZY The Effects of Product Quality and Price towards Purchase Decision of ASUS Laptop Consumers Arlin Ferlina, SE., MM
INDAH KURNIA The Effect of Credibility of Shared Experience and Information Usefulness To Purchase Intention Through Adoption of Shared Experience As Mediator (Case Study on Traveloka) Citra Kusuma Dewi, Ph.D.
DINDA OKTAFIANI The Influence Of Work Discipline On Polri Perfomance In Police Station Cilegon Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
VIVIE INSANI SAFFANAH QALBI RUHYANA The influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance PT. BPR Mitra Rukun Mandiri Bandung (Method Based On Study of Ohio University) Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
ERNI RAFIKA SARI Analysis Of Canvas Business Model Leather Sandals Home Made At Asli Sandal Store At Bukittinggi City Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
LUTHFIANY Analysis Celebrity Endorser (Selebgram) Of Purchase Intention MD Glowing Skincare With Advertising Appeal As Variable Intervening Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
CARLA VIRENABIA The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) as a Media Promotion to Interest Buying Followers Instagram Bandung Makuta Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
DELLAEANA SAFIRA BADHASARI The Effect Of Quality Of Work Life On Organization Commitment PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika (Case Study On Outbound Call Center Employee) Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
FANNY WIDYA EFENDI Analysis of Learning Organization Factors In PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (Study On Education and Training Participants) Ade Irma Susanty,.Ph.D.
SISLY DURI AFRYANA The Effect of Sense of Belonging To Employee Engagement (Study at Bandung Techno Park) Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
SINTANIA SYIFA NURUL AINI The Role of Union Employees in Improving Employee Work Satisfaction (Case Study on PT INTI (Persero) Bandung) Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
AULYA RIZKI FITRIANA The Influence Of Marketing Mix On Customer Satisfaction Of Wardah Cosmetic With Purchasing Decision As Intervening Variable Arry Widodo, Ph.D
MARINI ZAKIYATUL UMI The Effect of Training on Employee Performance: Study on PT. Mitra Solusi Telematika (MST) Jakarta Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
ANINDITHA MUTHI SAFIRA The Effect Of Training On Employee Performance At RSUD Dr. Muhammad Zein Painan. Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
KUMALA AYU PURBAWATI WIYONO The Effect Of Training On Employee Performance At PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Unit Demangan Yogyakarta Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
BETHARI WAHYU PANGESTIKA The Effect Of Motivation Intrinsic Towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior On PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia Employees Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
LINDA MAHARANI The Effect of Training on Employee Performance (Study at PT. Kimia Farma Apotek Unit Bisnis Bandung) Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
RENATA AYU HANIYAH The Effect of Job Promotion towards Employee’s Work Motivation at Plasa Telkom Lembong Bandung Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
HARMAWAN EKONUGROHO Factor Analysis Consumers Interest Using Online Streaming Music Spot Application in Bandung Farah Oktafani, S.E., M.M.
AMANDA BAHRI FEBRIANTI The Effect Of Transformational Leadership Style On Employee Motivation Millennial Generation (Study at Mindshare Indonesia) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
MUHAMMAD HASAN RABBANI An analysis of the difference revenue Conventional Bank interest with a share of the revenue of Syariah Banks ( Maybank Bank and BRI Syariah ) Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, S.E., M.M.
NUR DYNA BILKISTI Analysis Of Social Bricolage Implementation In Pilar Peradaban Foundation As A Social Enterprise Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
ELGIA MARISKA Analysis Factors of Knowledge Sharing in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Witel Cirebon) Ade Irma Susanty,.Ph.D.
YOHANA ZULAIHA NURHAYAT The Influence of work motivation on employee performance agency Bappeda Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
YUANNISA AULIA Comparative Analysis of Website Quality And Using Webqual 4.0 And Importance Perfomance Analysis (IPA) (Study On Users Website and in Jakarta) Tri Indra W., S.Sos., MSi
ISMAYA UMNIYUDA The Effect Of Job Stress Towards Employee’s Performance At PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Unit Human Resource Kantor Cabang Utama Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
JEREMIA BARUS Analysis of Employee Performance Factors in PT Telkom Home Service 1 Turangga Division Office Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIA FESTININGTYAS The Influence Of Motivation On Employee Performance PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Witel Lembong Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
NURUL FALAH Analysis Of Factor Reducing The Activity Of Use Of Electronic T-Cash Money In Transaction By Users In Bandung City In 2017 Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
TASHA RACHMATIA PRADITA Effect of Democratic Leadership Style on Employee performance On Sales Operation in PT Astra International Tbk- Toyota Sales Operation (Auto 2000) Cabang Soekarno Hatta Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
KEVIN ALEXANDER H MANURUNG The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Unit Commercial Passenger Marketing Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
FERA VANESHA Influence Of Compensation On Employee Performance (Study On Employee PT. Sate Taichan “Goreng” Jakarta Branch) Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
AFIFAH HUSNUL KHOTIMAH The Effect of Human Resource Development on Performance of Employee at Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah West Java Province Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
DINNA FATMY PRATIWI Factors (Benefits, Trust, Self-efficacy, Ease of Use, Security) Affecting Consumer’s Perception on E-money in Indonesia (Study on the use of e-money Mandiri, BCA, BNI, BRI) Citra Kusuma Dewi, Ph.D.
MIMMA AYU NINDHITAPUTRI The Effect of Work Safety on Employee Performance in PT. PLN (Persero) PUSHARLIS UWP IV BANDUNG Dr. Ida Nurnida, M.M.
SINDY NUR SYAZKIA The Effect Of Bonus Pack and Price Discount On Impulse Buying Of PT Lion Super Indo Gerai Antapani Customer Dra. Ai Lili Yuliati, M.M.
FAJARIA ISMA WARDANI Analysis of the Dominant Factors Affecting Employee Discipline in KUD Minatani Brondong-Lamongan Ade Irma Susanty,.Ph.D.
ELSA HANDAYANI the influence store atmosphere on purchasing decisions at chingu korean fan cafe Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
CHAERANURULLIS FAJRIN The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance of Regional Personnel Agency of Tasikmalaya Regency Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RISKA HERNAYANTI PAJAR The Influence of Work Ethics on Employee Performance in Ponyo Cinunuk Bandung Restaurant Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
NATALIA MARIASTUTI Analysis of Dilemma in Conflict Using Drama Theory (Case Study on Conflict Between Conventional Mode of Transportation and Online Mode of Transportation in Bandung) Devilia Sari, S.T., M.S.M.
IDHA MUTHIANISYA LUBIS Effect Of Service Quality To Customer Satisfaction At TIKI Batununggal Agent Bandung Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
ARYA ADI SAPUTRA The Influence Of Work Motivation On Employee Performance At The Directorate General Office Development Of Development Area Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
ARIEF SURYA PRADANA Influence of Sales Promotion to Purchase Decision Process in Grabcar Services Trisha Gilang Saraswati, S.E., M.S.M.
IQBAL FAHURIAN Influence store atmosphere to purchase decision on kozi lab Bandung Trisha Gilang Saraswati, S.E., M.S.M.
SYAHRUL RAMDANI Factors Analysis Employee Performance on Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of South Sulawesi Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
HEGY PRIATAMA AGIPTA The Influence of Service Recovery to 3 KG Gas Station Loyality (Case Study of PT. Amas Niaga Pratama) Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
AMALIA ASRI The Influence of Discipline Work and Leadership Style on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Barat Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
MAULANA YUSUF BAKHTIAR The Influence of Liquidity, Solvability, and Profitability Ratios on Growth of The Remaining Results of Operations at KSU Berkah Mina Lestari 2009-2017 Periods Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, S.E., M.M.
MIFTAH DEDEE ROYAN Analysis Of Success Factors Of Women Entrepreneurs (Study On Sme Members Of Cooperatives Business Services Community Misykat On Sadang Serang Region) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
AULIA ALMA UTAMI Analysis of Business Model on Business Start-up Web Hosting In Bandung City Using Business Model Canvas (Case Study on Trisha Gilang Saraswati, S.E., M.S.M.
MOHAMAD RIZKI AULIA The Effect Of Compensation To Employee Performance In Sub Directorate Human Resources In PT. Pos Indonesia Headquarter Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
SABRINA ALFRIANTI Planning of Belah Doeren’s Business Model by Applying Business Model Canvas Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST.,MM
RISKA YUSEPTIA MUNGGARAN Analysis of Business Development with Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Orange Button As Children Fashion Product in Bandung Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
RIZKA HASTUTI Influence The Quality Of Mobile Banking Bank Syariah Mandiri Services to Customer Satisfaction Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MUHAMAD KHOIRUL AULIA The Influence Of Brand Ambassador To Brand Image On Mamahke Jogja Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
VAERUS HASANA PUTRI Analysis Of Job Stress Factors In Toserba Employees Yogya Kosambi Branch Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
ALIFIA SARAH MARDIANI The Effect Of Brand Ambassador Towards Buyers Interest Of Bandung Kunafe Cake Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
HIBATULLAH FIRDAUS WIDAWATI The Effect of Brand Image to Purchase Decision in Restaurant of Ayam Bakar Wong Solo of Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
RIFKA ZAHRA Analysis Of Factors That Influenced Employee Productivity In PT. Telkom Witel Bandung Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
Raka Dwiman Hudiya The Effect of Physical Work Environtment on Human Resources Gita Bawana Music Course Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
FIONA VEGA RIANTI The Influence of Green Product and Brand Image on Purchase Intention of Innisfree’s Product in Bandung Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
GEUSAN RAMADHAN The Role Of Motivation To Increase Employee Performance At PT. Grand Textile Industry Bandung Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
M.HANIS SADIQIN The Impact Of Service Quality On Costumer Satisfaction In Lion Air (Study On Business Administration Students Telkom University) Trisha Gilang Saraswati, S.E., M.S.M.
RIZAL FATONY The Influence of Telkom University Dormitory Service Quality on Satisfaction of Student Year 2017/2018 Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST.,MM
ANDINA WULANDEVY The Influence Of The Physical Work Environment On The Peformance Of Employees Of Regional Bank Credit People Of Regency Of Cirebon Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
FARAS NABILA The Effect of Work Stress on the Performance of Employees Coureer at PT. TIKI JNE (Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir) (a Case Study at Warehouse Inbond Kiaracondong Bandung) Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
DIMAS RISTIA NUGRAHA Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Work Discipline at PT Primajasa Perdanarayautama Bandung Dr. Syarifuddin,IR.,MM
ALDI NUGRAHA The Influence Of Service Quality At Telkom University Dormitory On Satisfaction Of Business Administration New Student Academic Year 2017 Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
ZAKIY FIROSY AS-SYAHID The Effect of Customer Validation on Buying Intention of Indicar Product as a New Product Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
RANGGA SAPUTRA Factors Analysis Of Young Entrepreneur: Study From Graduate Faculty Of Communication And Business Telkom University, Batch 2008-2014 Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
RIZAL AZIZI The Influence Of Marketing Mix On Purchase Intention In Scoot Airlines Indonesia Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
HARYO BAGUS PRADONO Entrepreneurship Literacy Analysis On Business Administration Telkom University Students Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
HENDRA PERMANA The Effect of Promotion on Purchase Intention in Distro Ouval Research Bandung Devilia Sari, S.T., M.S.M.
EKO NUGROHO WIJAYANTO The Effect Of Product Attributes, Service Quality Attributes And Store Attributes On Consumer Satisfaction ( A Case Study At House Of Smith Bandung) Citra Kusuma Dewi, Ph.D.
MARDIAN AILUDIN The Influence of Customer Experience on Repurchase intention ( study on One Eighty Coffee Bandung customer ) Devilia Sari, S.T., M.S.M.
HAFIZHA NADHIRAH NUR KARIMAH Analysis of Family Business Development in terms of the Three Dimensions of Family Business Development (Study at The Ponyo Restaurant) Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
AN NISAA’ INTAN PERMATASARI Satisfaction Analysis Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Methods At PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
ROBBY ABSOFY ADITIA The effect of quality service and sales promotion on repurchase intention of warunk upnormal branch buah batu bandung customer Dra. Ai Lili Yuliati, M.M.
ADITYA TRI UTAMA Influence Of Service Quality Yakes Telkom Clinic West Java Area Towards Patient Satisfaction Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
PUTRI RAMADHANI JANI The Influence Of Product Quality Towards The Purchase Decision Of Herbalife Nutrition Mix Shake In Jakarta Devilia Sari, S.T., M.S.M.
REZA PAHLEVI Quality Analysis Of Malesbanget.Com Website Using Webqual 4.0 Method Tri Indra W., S.Sos., MSi
RADINKA DYNAND MAHESSARA The Compare Analysis of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin, Stocks and Gold as an Alternative Investments (Period 2014-2017) Budi Rustandi Kartawinata, S.E., M.M.
RIZA YONELA PUTRI Analysis Factors Media Promotion Instagram Dakken Restaurant Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
DINA The Influence Of Work-Life Balance On Employee Performance At KUD Minatani Brondong Lamongan Dr. Syarifuddin,IR.,MM
DANIES MARIYAM WIDYAWATI Customer Attitude Towards Using Mobile Banking In Indonesia Nadya K. Moeliono, S.E., MM.
AGNES DWIGANJAR PAMUNGKAS The Influence Of Brand Image On Repeat Purchase Green Product Pertamax Turbo (Ron 98) With Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable Arry Widodo, Ph.D
YULIA ANDINI Analysis of Employee loyalty Factors of Kiri Social Bar Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
SANA TANISHA Analyst to Fansclub A.R.M.Y Motivation of BTS The Wings Tour in Jakarta Concert Dra. Ai Lili Yuliati, M.M.
ROSYIDA NUR LAILI The Influence Of Knowledge Sharing On Employee Performance In PT Telecommunication Indonesia Witel Bandung Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
ALISKA AUGUST SYAHZHA OSEPTHARIA Analysis Of Business Model At Armor Coffee Bandung Using Business Model Canvas Approach Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
NURVITA WULANDARY Factors of Sales Performance Measuring Indicators at Private Life Insurance Companies in Bandung Syahputra, Ph.D.
BOBY KRISDIANTORO Product Quality : A Comparative Analysis of Yamaha Nmax and Honda PCX in Bandung, Year 2018 Arry Widodo, Ph.D
ANDRE SANJAYA SIAHAAN Influence of Brand Image on Purchasing of Vans Shoes (Study at Telkom University Faculty of Communication and Bussiness Students Bandung) Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
HARGI MA’RUF PAKERTI The Influence Of Market Strategi And Marketing Mix To Student Assessmen In Homescholing Primagama Bandung Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
LUTHFI REZA PAHLEVI The Influence Of Leadership Style Of Employee Performance In PT. Mitra Sinergi Internasional Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
DANIEL CHARLIE NATHANAEL TAMPUBOLON effect of price determination purchase decision delivery of same day service in PT. Citra Van Titipan of TIKI in Kota Bandung (case study on TIKI same day service delivery service) Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
NOVALUDIN The Influence Of Leadership Styles Director Of Employee Motivation Against PT. Kaltim Nusa Ethics Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
DEKI SURYANA Analysis Of Factors Quality Of Work Life On PT. Duta Transformasi Insani Employees Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
NIZAR SABIQ Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation Self Confidence In Entrepreneurship: a Comparative Analysis Of Business Admnistration Students Telkom University Year 2015 and 2016 Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
MUHAMMAD RAZI RAMADHAN The Influence of Work Dicipline to Employee Performance at CV Sinar Sengon Sejahtera (SSS) Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
YOLANDA OKTAVIANA YUSUF The influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Loyalty PT. Tara Megah Muliatama (Case Study of Gemah Ripah Taxi Driver) Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
NADYA AULIA AKBAR The Influence Of Emotional Quotient On Entrepreneur’s Performance (Study on Members of The Local Enablers Jatinangor, a Social Entrepreneur Community) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
FINA SEPTIANI The Influences of Organizational Justice to Employee Engagement in SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Bandung Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah , SH., MH
FATIHA ULFA The Influance of Communication Organization to Job Satisfying at PT.Telkom Indonesia Witel Padang Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
PUTRI BERLIANTI Design of Kuma Suki’s Business Model Using Business Model Canvas Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST.,MM
NOVRIESCO MEIZA PUTRA Business Model Canvas Analysis (study in Bubur Ayam Canton) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
DERRY RISKIA AHMAD NUGRAHA The Effect of Product Quality and Word Of Mouth on Buying Interest in Chicken Dey Marheni Eka Saputri, S.T., M.B.A.
HAMMAM RIDHO HAQQY Analyzing Factors that Determine Employee Engagement of Milleneals Generation at PT INTI Bandung Ade Irma Susanty,.Ph.D.
GRACE KELLY HUTABARAT Identification Of Ecopreneurship Model Based Waste Management Case Study In CV.v Bank Sampah Bersinar Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
INTAN ANASTASIA The Influence Of Motivation On Employees Work Performance PT. Taspen (Persero) Bandung Branch Main Office Alini Gilang, S.H., M.M.
BAGUS NOVRIANTO The Influence of Entrepreneurial Motivation on Entrepreneurial Interest (Study on Business Administration Students Telkom University Class of 2015) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
DEVA MUZDALIFA Analyzing Factors that Encourage Customer Satisfaction in One Eighty Coffee and Music Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
MUHAMMAD RADHIYYAN SYAM Analyzing Factors that Influence Student’s Entrepreneurial Intention ( Case Study At Five Universities in Bandung ) Candra Wijayangka, S.T., M.M.
AANG MUHAMMAD NUR SHIDIQ Green Product Purchase Intention: Impact of Knowledge and Green Attitude Arry Widodo, Ph.D
NIA MONICA The Effect of Job Stress on Employee Performance in Bank Nagari Kantor Pusat Padang Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
PRAMADYA The Effect of Product Innovation and Marketing Strategy on Customer Value of Eco Watch from Matoa Indonesia Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
MUHAMMAD SUPIANNOR The Influence of Physical Evidence to Customer Satisfaction Impact on Customer Loyalty Cafe One Eighty Bandung Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
YULIANA RAHMAWATI Business Development Strategy Using Quatitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) On CV. Rabbani Asysa Syahputra, Ph.D.
SELVIANI NURUL UTAMI The Influence Relationship Marketing, Brand Image, and Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty Study in PO Gunung Sembung Putra Dra. Ai Lili Yuliati, M.M.
NAUVAL MIRRAH MAKAREEM Product Quality Control Analysis Using Statistical Processing Control (SPC) of Rumah Batik Komar Trisha Gilang Saraswati, S.E., M.S.M.
ERIANA AFNAN The Effect of Knowledge Management Process on Employee Performance (study on Big Data Division of PT Telkom Indonesia) Anita Silvianita, Ph.D.
YOHANES BAPTISTA DWIKIE WIDYARTADI Comparative Analysis of Product Quality Vans Shoes to Converse Shoes (Study on Vans and Converse Users in Bandung) Tri Indra W., S.Sos., MSi
FATHIR MUHAMMAD DZAKI The Influence Of Entrepreneur Barriers In Case Study Students In Majoring Business Administration Who Take Advanced Entrepreneurship Course Cut Irna Setiawati, S.Ab., M.M.
NABILA DIVA PRATIDINA The Influence Of Hedonic Shopping Motivation And Shopping Lifestyle Towards Impulse Buying On Ensemble The Label Customer Kristina Sisilia, ST., MBA
SITI NUR FADILATUNISA Analysis Of Work Discipline Factors Employees In Toserba Yogya Batununggal Branch Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MOHAMAD DZAKY INSAN Analysis Factor Affecting Work Motivation In Regional Management Agency Of Bandung Dr. Romat Saragih, Drs., MM
REGITA CHATRINICKY Bandung Kunafe Promotion Strategy for Buying Decisions Arlin Ferlina, SE., MM
NADHIRA RIZKY ABRYANT The Influence Of Training On Employee Performance At Department Store Yogya Sunda Bandung Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
MUH. BUDHY SANTOSO The Influence Of Product Knowledge Toward PC & Laptop Purchase Decision Of Intel Processor At Bandung In 2018 Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, S.T., M.T., MM.
YUNIATI NASUTION Analysis of Differences In Employee Performance Before and After Training at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Serui Branch Office Aditya Wardhana, S.E. M.Si., M.M.
CITRA GITAR MAHARDIKA Effect Of Training On Employee Performance On Sales Operation In PT. Astra International Tbk – Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO2000) Branch Soekarno Hatta Bandung Dr. Bachruddin Saleh, S.E., M.M.
THARISSA KESTURI The Influence of Celebrity Endorser towards Purchase Intention of Wardah Cosmetic in Bandung City with Perceived Quality as Mediating Variable Rd. Nurafni Rubiyanti, SMB., MBA.
FADLY ADHA The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial Performance (Case Study on Creative MSMEs in Warehouse 22 Bandung) Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, S.E., M.M.
NURFALINDA PERMATA MUSTIKA Job Satisfaction Analysis Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method In PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung Production Unit Mahendra Fakhri, SE., MBA
AMIR SYABAN WIRAHADIKUSUMAH The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) on Buying Decision in Cafe Halaman Nadya K. Moeliono, S.E., MM.
DENIS SUPRABA The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on Purchase Decision in Mr. Dobleh Bandung Syahputra, Ph.D.
SHINTA KARTIKA DEWANI the influence of destination image, tourism facility, and experiental marketing on loyalty through visitors satisfaction of farmhouse lembang bandung Dra. Ai Lili Yuliati, M.M.