
  • Bachelor of Civil Law, Universitas Samudra Langsa
  • Master of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Doctor of Citizenship Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Academic Area:

  • Organization Theory

Reserach Group:
Business Policy and Strategy

[tabby title=”Profile”]

Born in Medan, 24 April 1957, Yahya is a lecturer at Telkom University since 2007. His undergraduate study was taken from Samudra University, Langsa, Aceh (1986) and he got his master degree from business law program at North Sumatra University, Medan (2001). In 2009 he studied at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Bandung for his doctoral degree.

He first worked as a staff at the regional office of Field Operations Telegraph and Telephone (Langsa, 1977-1982). Then, among others, he became the Head of Legal Unit and Regional Division office commitments, Sumatra (1995-2000), Assistant Vice President Industrial Relation PT. Telkom (2001-2006), and Dean of Administration Business and Finance, Telkom Management Institute (2013-2017)

[tabby title=”Teaching”]

  • Pancasila and Civic
  • Leadership Development
  • Business Law

[tabby title=”Research”]

Current Research


Supervising Student’s Research


  • Pengaruh Budaya Perusahaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Divisi Regional III Jawa Barat
  • Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Pada Karyawan Pt. Citra Sukapura Megah
  • Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT.Socfin Indonesia


  • Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berkontribusi Pada Motivasi Pada Dosen Tetap Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom
  • Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mendorong Kinerja Dosen Tetap Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom
  • Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham (Studi pada perusahaan pertambangan batu bara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011-2015)

[tabby title=”Publication”]


  • Status Sosial Ekonomi dan Kualitas Partai Politik dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik
    MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan 28 (1), 85-92
  • Marketing Analysis of Political Positioning in Legislative Election
    Management and Organizational Studies 2 (4), 16
