  • Bachelor of Telecommunication and Informatics Business Management, Telkom University
  • Master of Business Administration, Bandung Institute of Technology
Academic Area:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Operations
  • Project Management
Interest Group:
Business Innovation and Development

[tabby title=”Profile”]  


Fauzan Aziz was born in Bandung, January 23, 1990. His Bachelor’s Education was taken in  the Undergraduate Study Program of Telecommunication and Informatics Business Management, Telkom University in 2007 and Master’s Education was taken at the Master of Business Administration, Bandung Institute of Technology with creative and cultural entrepreneurship concentration in 2012. Since 2015 until now he has had a career as a lecturer, business incubator mentor and companion of MSMEs, Bandung City KUMKM Office. Pada in 2020 joined the  S1 Business Administration Study Program, Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University and became a Business Mentor at StartupHub Indonesia. Research focus in demand on topics of entrepreneurship, operations management and project management.


[tabby title=”Teaching”]

  • Manajement Project
  • Business Model
  • Business Operation

[tabby title=”Research”]

Current Research

  • The Analysis of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Repeat Purchase On Consumers Of Coffee Shop In Bandung, ASEAN Marketing Journal, Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia, 2021
  • The Effect of Attitude on Successor Commitment (Research on Drought Traders in The Cihaurgeulis Market Bandung City), 6th (GARCOMBS) Global Advanced Research Conference on Management & Business Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, 2020
  • The Effect of Halal Awareness and Halal Certification on Consumer Purchase Decision on Food and Beverages of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bandung, 6th (GARCOMBS) Global Advanced Research Conference on Management & Business Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, 2020
  • Text Mining On Tourist Destinations in Greater Bandung (Case Study: Tangkuban Perahu and Kawah Putih), Journal of Secretary and Business Administration, ASMTB, 2020
  • The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Interests in Business Administration Student Association in Bandung, eProceedings of Management, Telkom University, 2021

Supervising Student’s Research


  • <<<insert judul TA mahasiswa bimbingan-english>>>

[tabby title=”Publication”]


  • <<<insert judul artikel jurnal>>>
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    <<<tahun terbit jurnal>>>


  • <<<insert judul artikel jurnal>>>
    <<<insert nama conference>>>
    <<<tahun terbit prosiding>>>
