  • Bachelor of Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
  • Master of Business Administration, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi
Academic Area:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
Interest Group:
Business Innovation and Development

[tabby title=”Profile”]  


I was born in Bandung on July 03, 1995. I completed my undergraduate studies at the Oceanography Study Program ITB in 2017 and continued my master’s degree at the Master of Business Administration ITB and finished in 2019. During my master’s studies, I choose to get my major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing.

Before joining Telkom University, I worked at the ITB Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Institute as an assistant to the Entrepreneurship division which oversees and facilitates ITB students who have business ideas which are then fostered to develop their ideas to create a startup. I joined Telkom University in 2020.


[tabby title=”Teaching”]

  • Project management
  • Marketing Research
  • Creativity and Innovation

[tabby title=”Research”]

Current Research

  • Decision-Making Process in Small Medium Enterprise: Application of Business Analytics Methodology and Linking Model
  • Analisis Halal Supply Chain pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Makanan di Kota Bandung
  • An Analysis of the Effect of Content Marketing and Online Advertising on the Brand Awareness toward Halal Skincare
  • Reference Group Analysis and Perception of Outlet Selection and Its Impact on Purchase Decision Coffee Shops in Bandung
  • Analysis of Tourist Facilities and Destination Image Against Tourist Satisfaction Tahura Ir. Djuanda During the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Application of Knowledge Management System in MSMEs in Bandung
  • Strengthening the Global Competitiveness of MSMEs Through. Assistance to Improve English Literacy

Supervising Student’s Research


  • <<<insert judul TA mahasiswa bimbingan-english>>>

[tabby title=”Publication”]


  • <<<insert judul artikel jurnal>>>
    <<<insert nama jurnal, edisi, halaman>>>
    <<<tahun terbit jurnal>>>


  • <<<insert judul artikel jurnal>>>
    <<<insert nama conference>>>
    <<<tahun terbit prosiding>>>
