International Class: Delightful Istanbul Winter School 2018

International Class: Delightful Istanbul Winter School 2018

Sebagai salah satu program international exposure kelas internasional program studi Administrasi Bisnis, pada tanggal 13 – 27 Januari 2018, 7 orang mahasiswa kelas internasional mengikuti program Delightful Istanbul Winter School di Istanbul Aydin University, Turki. Pada program ini, mahasiswa tinggal selama dua minggu di Istanbul (Republica Hostel) dan mengikuti perkuliahan serta beberapa aktivitas rekreasi untuk mengenal lebih dalam mengenai kota istanbul dan kebudayaan Turki. Untuk perkuliahan sendiri, mahasiswa diharuskan untuk memilih salah satu dari tiga courses yang ditawarkan. Pada kesempatan ini semua mahasiswa program studi administrasi bisnis yang mengikuti program ini memilih mata kuliah Leadership and Innovation yang disampaikan oleh Dr. Poolad DANESHVAR dan Dr. Azadeh Taghinia HEJABI.

Pada kesempatan ini para mahasiswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ini mendapat kesempatan untuk mengenal kebudayaan asing, berkenalan dan bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa dari negara-negara lain (Pakistan, Malaysia, South Korean dan lain-lain) serta memperluas pengetahuan di bidang administrasi bisnis.

Berikut adalah kesan-kesan mahasiswa yang mengikuti kegiatan tersebut:

I got many new friends from Pakistan, Malaysia, Korea, and Turkey. They are so nice, we learn each other about our customs in our country. Not only in the class, i get good experience from turkey habits. You know, the people in turkey they walk so fast and their face so seriously. So difference if we compare with Indonesian people – Ali


Overall, study in IAU I could gain so many knowledge and skills and also I could discover something new. it taught me how to avoid a gap that exist, how to adjust other’s culture because in here we most likely meet different people with different culture and also with different lifestyle so we getting to know their beliefs and learning to deal with differences. And also I could develop many academic & social skills that really important to my career


Since I come home, many things that I applied from there like study culture, tolerance, time management and many more, and improve my English also, because in the end of course we presenting the material in the front of many student who came from different country, Pakistan, Malaysia and South Korea.- Randika

Academic, Business, Goverment, Community

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