International Conference: Global Trends in Academic Studies
Business Administration Study Program, teamed up with Global Illuminators, successfully organized International Conference of Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR) 2015, on April 20th-21st, in The Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung. This International Conference is the second collaboration of Telkom University with Global Illuminators. The first GTAR Conference where held at 2014 in Bali.
This conference invited Mr. Priyantono Rudito, Ph.D (Telkom Indonesia), Prof. Ir.Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D (Rector of Telkom University – Indonesia) and DR. Usman Raja (Associate Professor Brock University Canada) as Keynote Speaker. In this conference, 110 research papers was collected and presented at 5 tracks: Business Management & Economic, Social Science & Humanities. Physical life & Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, and Health & Medicine Studies.